Why the Obama Doctrine Won’t Work (Part 1)

Why the Obama Doctrine Won’t Work (Part 1)

President Barack Obama’s speech in Cairo in June of 2009 was meant to signal a “new beginning” in the relationship between the United States and the Muslim world. Unfortunately, in the intervening years since the famous speech there has been little to no qualitative change in a relationship that had aroused so much hope in its potential only … Continue reading

The Supreme Leader is Willing to Negotiate

The Supreme Leader is Willing to Negotiate

As the nuclear negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 continue, the pressing question is whether the domestic groups opposed to the talks will succeed in blocking an agreement between the Western countries and Iran.  Both Iran and the United States have contingents within their respective political structures adamantly opposed to the negotiations.  However, a speech … Continue reading

A Sectarian Revolution: A Book Review of Thomas Pierret’s Religion and State in Syria
Articles / Books / Reviews

A Sectarian Revolution: A Book Review of Thomas Pierret’s Religion and State in Syria

Thomas Pierret’s Religion and State in Syria: The Sunni Ulama from Coup to Revolution is a holistic analysis of Syria’s Sunni ulama from 1920-2012. With that said, the book’s primary focus is on the transformation of the religious community since the Islamist revolts in Syria between 1979-1982.[1] The book has many strengths that include: French, … Continue reading